A Blog for Health Conscious Women

Superfoods Natalie Paul Superfoods Natalie Paul

The Magic of Mushrooms: A Woman’s Wellness Ally

In the realm of health and nutrition, mushrooms have emerged as an unsung hero, particularly for women’s health. These humble fungi are not only versatile and delicious but also packed with a plethora of nutrients that can address several aspects of wellness. From boosting immunity to supporting bone health, mushrooms offer a wide range of health benefits that are too good to ignore. Let’s dive into the reasons why mushrooms should be a staple in every woman’s diet.

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Superfoods Natalie Paul Superfoods Natalie Paul

Cruciferous Champions

After becoming a certified nutrition coach, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge on eating for health and longevity- not just for weight loss. As a mom who wants to live as long as possible in great health for my children, I’ve become fascinated by the science behind what we eat and the impact it can have on our bodies.

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Superfoods Natalie Paul Superfoods Natalie Paul

Caloric Bank Account

Imagine your daily diet as a bank account with a $1500 caloric budget. 🏦💸 Every food choice you make is a transaction. When you opt for one snack or meal, you’re essentially choosing not to invest in another. 🍔➡️🥗 This is the essence of eating as a zero-sum game. Each bite is an opportunity - a moment to ask ourselves: “Is this the best investment for my health?” 🤔💚

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Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Chia Pudding Recipe

Here’s a straightforward, no-fuss recipe that’s perfect for anyone looking to dive into a delicious and nutritious start to their day or enjoy a refreshing snack anytime. This Raspberry Chia & Oats Delight is not just easy to make but is also incredibly satisfying. Let’s get right into it!

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Energy Natalie Paul Energy Natalie Paul

5 Ways to Kill Your Energy Vampires

Why am I so tired?! Do you find yourself asking yourself this question as you drag yourself from one thing to the next? It’s likely you have some energy vampires sucking your energy and vitality. 🧛‍♀️

Things like poor food choices, “winging it” each day, stressing over what to eat, what to wear…the list goes on and on. Or maybe you are hanging around people who drain your energy with negative vibes. The good news is, you can beat those energy vampires with some intentionality! Here are 5 simple ways to reclaim your energy and power ❤️

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Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Nourishing Your Brain: The Impact of Diet on Cognitive Health

As a certified nutrition coach and a mom of two little ones, I've learned that the food we eat plays a crucial role in more than just our physical health. Our diet is intimately connected to our brain health, influencing everything from our cognitive functions to our emotional well-being.

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Mindset Natalie Paul Mindset Natalie Paul

Embracing the Power of Mindset: A Journey to Positivity and Growth

In the intricate tapestry of life, our mindset plays a pivotal role, often acting as the weaver of our experiences and perceptions. It's not merely about viewing the glass as half full; it's about understanding that the glass can be refilled. Let's delve into this transformative journey, exploring how a shift in mindset isn't just a change in thought, but a renaissance of the soul.

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Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas for On-the-Go Plant-Based Moms

I’m a hockey mom, dance mom, and baseball mom and I spend my afternoons running from one activity to the next. Being a busy mom on the go doesn't mean compromising on a healthy, plant-based diet. In fact, there are numerous quick and nutritious plant-based snacks that can easily fit into your hectic schedule. Here are some delightful and nourishing snack ideas specially curated for the on-the-go plant-based mom:

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Habits Natalie Paul Habits Natalie Paul

The Power of Habits: How to Form and Break Them for a Better Life

Habits are powerful forces that shape our lives, often without us even realizing it. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, our actions are driven by a series of habits. Whether it's brushing our teeth, exercising, or scrolling through social media, habits dictate a significant portion of our daily routine. Understanding the power of habits and learning how to form and break them can lead to a better, more fulfilling life.

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Peace Natalie Paul Peace Natalie Paul

Nutrition and Inner Peace: Nourishing the Soul

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the deep connection between our nutritional choices and our inner peace. We often focus on the physical benefits of a healthy diet, like weight management and disease prevention. However, the impact of what we eat extends far beyond the physical realm. Nutrition plays a crucial role in nourishing not only our bodies but also our souls, contributing to a sense of inner peace and overall well-being.

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Exercise Natalie Paul Exercise Natalie Paul

Exercise and Hormonal Health: Balancing Wellness for Women

Exercise is a crucial component of maintaining overall health and wellness, and it plays a significant role in hormonal health, especially for women. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions, and their balance is essential for optimal physical and mental well-being. Incorporating regular exercise into a woman's routine can help achieve hormonal balance and improve overall quality of life. In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between exercise and hormonal health and provide tips on achieving balance.

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Sleep Natalie Paul Sleep Natalie Paul

The Power of a Restful Night's Sleep: Tips for Better Sleep Quality

In a fast-paced world filled with responsibilities, commitments, and constant stimulation, the value of a good night's sleep often gets overlooked. However, the impact of quality sleep on our overall well-being cannot be overstated. Sleep is essential for our physical health, mental clarity, emotional balance, and productivity. Let's explore the power of a restful night's sleep and some actionable tips to improve your sleep quality.

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Plant-Based Natalie Paul Plant-Based Natalie Paul

Plant-Based Nutrition: Nourishing Your Body and the Planet

In a world where health consciousness and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of discussions, plant-based nutrition has gained immense popularity. More and more people are embracing a plant-based diet not only for its health benefits but also for its positive impact on the environment. Let's delve into the world of plant-based nutrition and discover how it nourishes both our bodies and the planet.

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Mindset Natalie Paul Mindset Natalie Paul

5 Mindset Shifts for a Graceful Life

Life is an intricate dance, and the way we approach it determines the grace with which we move through its twists and turns. At the heart of this graceful journey lies our mindset—a powerful tool that shapes our perceptions and responses to the world around us. In this blog post, we'll explore five essential mindset shifts that can lead to a life filled with grace and contentment.

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